If you’d like to be a Leader, find a suitable location wherever the Holy Spirit leads you e.g. around the coastline; town centres; shrines; lakes; rivers; churches (by permission) etc. Please check no one else has the same location on our website map. Get a group of people to help you – it makes it easier and is more fun.
Register your location.
Please ask your local priest if he would like to be involved in some way.
Also, if you’re thinking of holding the Rosary in your local church please make sure you have the permission of your parish priest.
Please take every opportunity to advertise and promote the Rosary to all your family, friends, fellow parishioners, and colleagues etc. to ensure every Catholic, every Christian; in fact every person in New Zealand knows that 15th August is a day of public prayer for our nation.

A Novena means praying the Rosary, every day for 9 consecutive days. In a 54 Day Novena, pray the Rosary for 27 consecutive days with a particular petition in mind, followed by another 27 days praying the Rosary in thanksgiving for prayers answered. Even if our prayers are not answered exactly the way we hoped, be assured our prayers will never be in vain and are often answered in exactly the way we desire.
“You pay God a compliment by asking great things of Him”. St. Teresa of Avila

Please join the 54 Day Novena which started on 11th October
Origin of the 54 Day Novena:
In 1884, a young Italian girl, Fortuna Agrelli, had three separate incurable diseases. In mid-February, Fortuna and her relatives began a Novena to Our Lady. On March 3rd while in the middle of a second Novena, Our Lady appeared to Fortuna. The Blessed Mother, who was holding a Rosary, was seated in a high throne with the Child Jesus in her lap. Fortuna also saw the luminous figures of St. Dominic and St. Catherine of Sienna. Although Our Lady was very pleased with the family’s prayers and especially her title, ‘Queen of the Holy Rosary,’ she asked Fortuna and her family to pray three Novenas. Shortly after, Our Lady appeared to Fortuna a second time. “Whoever desires to obtain favours from me should make 3 Novenas of the prayers of the Rosary, and 3 Novenas in thanksgiving.” Fortuna followed Our Lady’s instructions and was completely cured.