Our Inspiration

The Blessed Virgin Mary
“Pray the Rosary every day”.
Our lady told the children at Fatima that she has made the Rosary more powerful, especially for these times.
St. Dominic (1170 – 1221)
In the early 1200’s Our Lady gave St. Dominic the Rosary and told him –
“One day through the Rosary and the Scapular, I will save the world.”

Blessed Alan de la Roche (1428 – 1475)
“The Rosary is a storehouse of countless blessings.”
St. Louis Marie De Montfort (1673 – 1716)
“The Rosary is a priceless treasure inspired by God….Recite your Rosary with faith, with humility, with confidence and with perseverance.”
“There could not possibly be a finer devotion or one of greater merit than of the Holy Rosary, which is like a second memorial and representation of the life and passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Pope St. Pius IX (1792 – 1878)
“Give me an army saying the Rosary and I will conquer the world.”
Pope Leo XIII – the Rosary Pope (1810 – 1903)
Pope Leo wrote 11 encyclicals specifically on the Rosary. In Rerum Novarum (1871), Pope Leo taught that the Rosary was part of the solution to the social problems of his day.

Pope Pius XII (1876 – 1958) ‘The Fatima Pope’
“We do not hesitate to affirm publicly that we put great confidence in the Holy Rosary for the healing of evils of our times.”
Venerable Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen (1875 – 1979)
“The power of the Rosary is beyond description.”

Fr. Petrus Pavlicek (1902 – 1982)
After WWII, Austria was occupied by four nations, one being the Communists. Fr. Petrus organised a Rosary Tithe whereby 10% of the population ‘stormed heaven’ with daily Rosaries. It took seven years, but in 1955 the Russians up and left Austria without a single shot being fired.
Ven. Fr. Patrick Peyton (1909 – 1992) ‘The Rosary Priest’
Fr. Peyton founded the Family Rosary Crusades. He is famous for his quotes:
“The family that prays together stays together.”
“A world at prayer is a world at peace.”

St. Padre Pio (1887 – 1968)
“The Rosary is the weapon for these times.”
Pope St. John Paul II
St. Pope John Paul II’s favourite prayer was the Rosary and it was never far from his hands.
“Devotion to the Rosary is a genuine training in holiness…to pray the Rosary is to hand over burdens to the merciful heart of Jesus and His mother…Prayer is our armour.”

Fr. Ronan Murphy
“The Rosary is the Bible on a string.”